Monday, February 11, 2019

An introduction into academic writing

Whereas ones previous writing in school might have come generally from ones experience, college writing typically asks one to write on unfamiliar topics. Whether one is reading their textbook, a short story, or scholarly articles from research, their ability to write well will be based upon the quality of their reading. In addition to the labor of close reading, the student shall need to think critically as they read. That means separating fact from opinion, recognizing biases and assumptions, and making inferences. Inferences are how readers connect the dots: an inference is a belief (or statement) about something unknown made on the basis of something known. You smell smoke; you infer fire. They are conclusions or interpretations that one arrives at based upon the known factors one discover from our reading. When one, then, writes to argue for these interpretations, one’s job becomes to get the readers to make the same inferences the writer have made. Literature review dissertation particularly adheres to these guidelines.

Ones success in academic writing depends upon how well they understand what they are doing as they write and then how they approach the writing task. Early research done on college writers discovered that whether students produced a successful piece of writing depended largely upon their representation of the writing task. The writers’ mental model for picturing their task made a huge differ-fence. Most people as they start college have wildly strange ideas about what they are doing when they write an essay, or worse—they have no clear idea at all. For this particular reason some students seek the best college application essay writing service.

When we speak, we inhabit the communication situation bodily in three dimensions, but in writing we are confined within the two dimensional setting of the flat. Writing resembles having a blindfold over our eyes and our hands tied behind our backs: we can’t see exactly whom we’re talking to or where we are. Separated from our audience in place and time, we imaginatively have to create this context. Our words on the page are silent, so we must use punctuation and word choice to communicate our tone. We also cannot see our audience to gauge how our communication is received or if there will be some kind of response. Therefore, writing requires expertise and experience to communicate effectively the intended message. Custom term paper writing services have a masterly of the art of writing.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Grammar and academic writing

Grammar, in regards to academic writing, offers a selective overview of the main areas for English grammar that the writer needs to master as he tries to express himself or herself effectively in academic writing. The key areas include the differentiation between the verb tense system, the employment of modal verbs to express the level of certainty and the various ways of aligning written information to show the flow of the argument. Good writers organize information into groups that seem to bring out the intended message clearly. This requires the writer to take into account punctuation within and between parts of the sentence, paragraphing and the grammar of sentence construction. Professional business plan writers should seek to master the three elements that help packaging of information.

Grammar refers to the rule system of a language which is a key resource in regards to meaning expression. For example, when we talk of someone ‘knowing’ the Present Perfect in English, we mean that they know how to form it ( by combining the auxiliary verb have with the past participle of the relevant verb), but more importantly in which situations it is used and which meanings it can convey. However, the meaning can be expressed in various ways using different tenses. Most students find it challenging to adhere to this rule system with most of them opting to get help writing term paper.

A paragraph is ‘a section of writing which covers a particular idea’. So when writing a text a writer should make sure that they start a new paragraph when they move to a new point, or to a new development of an existing point. A good test for whether or not to begin a new paragraph is whether we could invent a heading for it. When someone writes well, their text seems to ‘flow’ like a liquid - in fact the word fluent means precisely that. The readers have to make very little effort to understand their meaning and the information seems to come in a natural order. The characteristics of writing which create this impression vary from language to language. In English, one of the key factors in fluent writing is the order of information within the sentence, and in particular at the beginning of the sentence. Students should endeavor to understand the rules of grammar in academic writing. They should want to do better than seek for college admission essay writing services even before they start the academic life.

Ways of improving academic writing for non-native English students

The English language is used in a significant number of states therefore creating the need for most students to master it. Academic writing for students who are not native-English speakers is a major struggle. This category of students tend to have major grammatical errors that make it hard for them to score well in academic writing. English is arguably a tricky language to learn, or so it seems. However, with consistent practice one can master the language and improve one’s credibility in writing. Improving written English is particularly key as most of their academic work involves writing. During their admission into college, most students lack the exposure required to improve their English, both spoken and written. These students therefore seek for admission essay help during their college application process.

Most tutors encourage students not be afraid of making mistakes but rather to learn from these mistakes. There are several guidelines that can help a non-native English student to improve their English writing skills.Cutting down on the use of apostrophes could be a good starting point. English learners are reported to have trouble in the use of apostrophes. It tends to confuse them making them use the rule inappropriately. It is therefore recommended to use them less unless one is sure of the proper use of apostrophes. The use of the word ‘the’ may tend to be confusing for most non-native English speakers leading them to use it in the wrong manner. This is attributed to the effect of their first language. Most disciplines are very keen on the use of articles. Due to this emphasis on perfect grammar, non-native English students opt for best term paper writing service to get support with their coursework assignments.

Improving ones English skills both written and spoken means gaining a masterly in the different English styles for instance, the common ones, American and British styles. This is particularly important for business people since the era of globalization has made the world a connected place. People from different walks of life meet and interact on a daily basis. An understanding of the different styles makes one stand out from the crowd. Business plan writers should seek to have a masterly of the styles in order to incorporate the different individuals from different parts of the world. Improving ones written English is not easy especially in this era of slang. However, with consistent practice, one can gain a masterly of the language.

How the first language affects non-native English student’s writing

Non-native English students face difficulties in academic writing mostly attributed to the effects of their first language. A survey on international students reported that most students postulated that no matter how much time they spent learning English grammatical rules, they did not master the rules enough to produce perfect work. In academic writing, there is need for a masterly in grammatical rules in order to avoid the errors. Most of the students reported to lack this masterly leading them to make the same mistakes. Most even end up repeating the same grammatical errors continously. This makes it very hard to even write an impressive admission essay for their college application. Therefore, these students require a lot of support not only in coming up with the best college admission essays but also in other academic assignments. So, why do most non-native English students tend to repeat the same errors?                                      
Research findings postulate that this category of students tend to integrate their own language into their English academic work. They mostly incorporate their first language’s structure, rhetorical style and general language. In addition, non-native English students tend to unconsciously transfer the writing aspects of their native language into English writing resulting in so many grammatical errors. The transfer can be advantageous only if the two languages share the same elements which is rarely the case. An example is the Chinese language which tends to place emphasis on eloquence while avoiding the use of direct arguments. Conversely, the English language aims to develop in a linear manner necessitating for the writer to engage in direct arguments. The diverse nature of the languages may result in the omission of important grammatical elements. Most of the languages do not make use of the rules of tenses and articles hence the speakers of such languages are more likely to overlook those very vital elements of the English language. To avoid scoring poorly as a result of the influence of the first language, non-native English students may opt for term paper writing services

  Writing effectively in English for non-native English students may be problematic but not impossible. All they need to do is understand that the writing style acceptable in their native language may not necessarily be acceptable in English academic writing.Understanding this may save them the need to seek for business plan for resume writing service as they search for employment at the end of their academic journey.

Academic writing for non-native English students

Academic writing involves a set of key skills and necessitates effective communication of ideas in a formal, structured and precise manner. This requires the writer to possess knowledge that is specific to the target audience. The use of the proper tone as well as the appropriate vocabulary is also a key necessity. This makes it daunting for non-native English speakers to be able to effectively write academic papers. Acquiring the skills necessary to write an outstanding paper requires a lot of practice and experience.

Several factors have been outlined in regards to the major issues that surround the higher education. They also pertain to academic writing in the following ways. Non-native English students are constrained in regards to the subtleties of the English language. In addition, students were reported to express more difficulties in writing in regards to discipline particular, audience particular as well as, genre specific knowledge. For this reason, non-native English students find writing an essay for college admission very challenging. This could be very demoralizing for this category of students.

Non-native English students are faced with somewhat similar challenges with the most common one being the application of discipline, particular vocabulary and the use of the appropriate tone in the academic work. This makes them very dependent on their supervisors with most of them being in a situation where they need help writing a term paper. Most students are advised to use imitative learning to improve their writing skills. Imitative learning involves reviewing previous works with the same genres to learn from them. It also involves learning from others doing the same thing. Imitative learning can be supplemented by doing revisions. Take an instance where a student writes a business plan, the documents have to be edited by the supervisor who makes the necessary changes before submission.

It is a recurrent process where the supervisor provides feedback to the student, who in turn makes the necessary revisions. The student then makes the necessary revisions by addressing the supervisor’s comments and submits. This process is repetitive until the document is perfect. This approach has come through for most students and has helped them to improve their academic writing. Students exposed to imitative learning do not see the need to seek business plan writing services as they feel confident enough to write their own work. Non-native English students have a support system that can help them improve their writing skills.

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Online writing entities are always looking towards recruiting new and competent writers. They always look for people who can advance thei...