Academic writing involves a set of key skills and necessitates effective
communication of ideas in a formal, structured and precise manner. This
requires the writer to possess knowledge that is specific to the target
audience. The use of the proper tone as well as the appropriate
vocabulary is also a key necessity. This makes it daunting for
non-native English speakers to be able to effectively write academic
papers. Acquiring the skills necessary to write an outstanding paper
requires a lot of practice and experience.
Several factors have been outlined in regards to the major issues that surround the higher education. They also pertain to academic writing in the following ways. Non-native English students are constrained in regards to the subtleties of the English language. In addition, students were reported to express more difficulties in writing in regards to discipline particular, audience particular as well as, genre specific knowledge. For this reason, non-native English students find writing an essay for college admission very challenging. This could be very demoralizing for this category of students.
Non-native English students are faced with somewhat similar challenges with the most common one being the application of discipline, particular vocabulary and the use of the appropriate tone in the academic work. This makes them very dependent on their supervisors with most of them being in a situation where they need help writing a term paper. Most students are advised to use imitative learning to improve their writing skills. Imitative learning involves reviewing previous works with the same genres to learn from them. It also involves learning from others doing the same thing. Imitative learning can be supplemented by doing revisions. Take an instance where a student writes a business plan, the documents have to be edited by the supervisor who makes the necessary changes before submission.
It is a recurrent process where the supervisor provides feedback to the student, who in turn makes the necessary revisions. The student then makes the necessary revisions by addressing the supervisor’s comments and submits. This process is repetitive until the document is perfect. This approach has come through for most students and has helped them to improve their academic writing. Students exposed to imitative learning do not see the need to seek business plan writing services as they feel confident enough to write their own work. Non-native English students have a support system that can help them improve their writing skills.
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