Sunday, February 10, 2019

How the first language affects non-native English student’s writing

Non-native English students face difficulties in academic writing mostly attributed to the effects of their first language. A survey on international students reported that most students postulated that no matter how much time they spent learning English grammatical rules, they did not master the rules enough to produce perfect work. In academic writing, there is need for a masterly in grammatical rules in order to avoid the errors. Most of the students reported to lack this masterly leading them to make the same mistakes. Most even end up repeating the same grammatical errors continously. This makes it very hard to even write an impressive admission essay for their college application. Therefore, these students require a lot of support not only in coming up with the best college admission essays but also in other academic assignments. So, why do most non-native English students tend to repeat the same errors?                                      
Research findings postulate that this category of students tend to integrate their own language into their English academic work. They mostly incorporate their first language’s structure, rhetorical style and general language. In addition, non-native English students tend to unconsciously transfer the writing aspects of their native language into English writing resulting in so many grammatical errors. The transfer can be advantageous only if the two languages share the same elements which is rarely the case. An example is the Chinese language which tends to place emphasis on eloquence while avoiding the use of direct arguments. Conversely, the English language aims to develop in a linear manner necessitating for the writer to engage in direct arguments. The diverse nature of the languages may result in the omission of important grammatical elements. Most of the languages do not make use of the rules of tenses and articles hence the speakers of such languages are more likely to overlook those very vital elements of the English language. To avoid scoring poorly as a result of the influence of the first language, non-native English students may opt for term paper writing services

  Writing effectively in English for non-native English students may be problematic but not impossible. All they need to do is understand that the writing style acceptable in their native language may not necessarily be acceptable in English academic writing.Understanding this may save them the need to seek for business plan for resume writing service as they search for employment at the end of their academic journey.

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